Jakub Brettl | Deep dives into data science & algorithms

Doubly Linked Lists

by Jakub Brettl

This is a second post related to linked lists. The first post focuses on singly linked lists and a broad overview of linked lists.

There are many similarities between singly linked and doubly linked lists. In this post, I will focus on key specificities of doubly linked lists. If you would like more high level overview of linked lists please have a look at the first post.

Doubly linked lists look as follows:

The key distinguishing feature here is that each node has two pointers; one to the next node and the other to the previous node. The first and last node too have two pointers. In the case of the head the pointer to the "previous node points to "None". The last node, too, has a pointer to "None". It is the one pointing to the next node.

Doubly Linked List Operations

Like in the case of singly linked lists, there are three fundamental operations on linked lists. They are:

Doubly linked list Python instance

Initialisation of doubly linked list follows the exact principles as do singly link lists. First we initialise the node, then we initialise the list instance. The only difference with singly linked lists is that the node instance also has a pointer to the previous node of the list ('self.previous = previous').

class Node:
    """Initiate node instance of a list."""
    def __init__(self, data=None, next=None, previous=None):
        self.data = data
        self.next = next
        self.previous = previous

class DoublyLinkedList(object):
    """Initiate new instance of a doubly linked list."""
    def __init__(self, head=None, next=None):
        self.head = head

Inserting new nodes

First, lets examine a case where we want insert a new head node. The process works in the following way:

Secondly, lets look at a case where we want to insert a new tail node:

Lastly, inserting a new node at any intermediate position:

In Python, all of the above operations can be implemented using the simple code below.

def insert_head(self, data):
    self.insert_anywhere(0, data)

def insert_tail(self,data):
    self.insert_anywhere(len(self), data)

def insert_anywhere(self, position, data):
    if not 0 <= position <= len(self):
        raise IndexError('Index out of range.')
    newNode = Node(data)
    if self.head is None:
        self.head = self.tail = newNode
    elif position == 0:
        self.head.previous = newNode
        newNode.next = self.head
        temp = self.head
        for i in range(0,position-1):
            temp = temp.next
        newNode.previous = temp
        temp.next = newNode
        newNode.next = None

Deleting nodes


def delete_head(self):

def delete_tail(self):

def delete_anywhere(self, position):
    if not 0 <= position <= len(self)-1:
        raise IndexError('Index out of range.')
    delete_node = self.head
    if len(self) == 1:
        self.head = self.head.next
    elif position == 0:
        self.head = self.head.next
        self.head.previous = None
    elif position == len(self) - 1:
        temp = self.head
        for i in range(0, position):
            temp = temp.next
        temp.previous.next = None
        temp = self.head
        for i in range(0, position-1):
            temp = temp.next
        temp.previous.next = temp.next
        temp.next.previous = temp.previous

Concluding notes

I wrote other blog posts on the implementation of linked lists. Namely:

All code that used in the blog post can be found in this GitHub repo.